Iver Kleive // Juleevangeliet // CD
Iver Kleive // Juleevangeliet // CD
With a mixture of newly written music and traditional Christmas carols, Iver Kleive has created a whole little Christmas oratory on this CD.
He invited actor Jon Eikemo and singers Anne Gravir and Ronnie Johansen to perform his work together with Oslo Bach Choir, which he conducts himself.
The whole story is presented rather like a musical: From when the angel Gabriel visited Maria in Nasareth, via shepherds and wise men, to the escape to Egypt and the subsequent homecoming.
The music was originally composed for the Norwegian Theatre’s performance in Oslo of “The Chrismas Gospel” two years ago. Structure and configuration has been changed considerably for this CD version. Some hymns have been replaced and the amount of singers is reduced to two. But Iver Kleive’s music is essentially the same, although Kleive now plays the church organ instead of the synth, and Paolo Vinaccia plays percussion.
Track list:
I begynnelsen
1. Preludium
2. Her er det ny som på jorderik skjedde
Budskapet til Maria
3. Gammel Mariavise
4. Heil deg havsens stjerna
5. Guds fred
6. Ver ikkje redd Maria
Engelen Gabriel og Josef
7. Josef
8. Ave Mari Stella
9. Sett meg til innsigla på ditt hjarta
Herodes og vismennene
10. Det sanne ljoset
11. I Betlehem i Judalandet
Jesus blir født
12. Juleevangeliet
13. Kristus Herren
14. Et barn er født i Betlehem
15. Glade jul
16. Å skjønneste rose
17. Fredfyrsten
18. Marias sang
19. Jeg synger julekvad
Herodes vil drepe barnet
20. Flukten til Egypt
21. Ropet i Rama
Til Nasaret
22. Nasareeren
23. Ingen høyrde